High throughput CNC panel router with vertical table for architectural panels

High throughput CNC panel router with vertical table for architectural panels - Muratori - Alu Ranger VGroove
Alu Ranger VGroove is the powerful CNC Panel Router with Vertical Table for milling, drilling and grooving at very high speed made for composite panels used in architecture, transport, interior design and visual communication.
The VGROOVE series
The VGROOVE series has been designed and equipped to process composite aluminum panels for the fabrication of architectural façades.
The correct choice of tools
With the correct choice of tools and optionals, it is possible to also process solid aluminum panels, fireproof aluminum composite panels “MINERAL CORE”, HPL, fiber cement and plastic for facades, interior design and visual communication. The machine can process different types of panels by using the adequate tools, rotation speed, the right feeding speed and lubrication when processing.
Greater rigidity
The rigidity of the vertical structure ensures greater vibration absorption, less cutting indentation, longer machine and tool life.
Product Models Available
Alu Ranger VGroove models available are 4221, 6321 and 10121.